Inspired by the rich and fertile creative terrain where food, music and experience overlap, {PAIRED} is a one-of-a-kind collaboration between Carousel & AVA, curating the best chefs and DJs to create magic. Each pairing is unique to that time and place and the audience who’s there to experience it.

At its heart the idea is simple: put talented people together from complementary disciplines and watch as the magic unfolds, with co-created menus and soundtracks weaving together shared influences for an intimate audience.

    {PAIRED} Index
    I - NYE 2022 with Emme Prieto x Yung Singh and Pablo Díaz x Call Super
    II - April 2023 with Youra Kim x DJ Tennis and Yuji Tani x Elkka,
    III - NYE 2023 with Sam Buckley x Mr Scruff
    IV - September 2024 with Yoji Tokuyoshi x Gilles Peterson